

FarmVille Tips in Riches by Helium

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Being a succesful farmer takes a lot of time, dedication and patience. You need to sow, patiently watch the crops grow, protect them from hungry crows and then finally get ready to harvest. It all does not happen overnight of course. Nowadays, however, more and more people are rediscovering the pleasure of reconnecting with nature and enjoying the gifts of the land. It all happens today thanks to Farmville, the new video game that is attracting millions of players across the globe, courtesy of Facebook.

On the virtual farm in Farmville, crops get to grow quite quickly! You get to cultivate strawberries, raspberries, rice, eggplants, wheat, soy beans, pumpkins and much more. However, as any well respected farmer, you must be pretty consistent and patient. In other words, you must follow through or you may wake up to only find a dry, miserable field. This is therefore, a game for those that have sufficient time to spare and cater to their crops. You cannot plant strawberries and leave for a full day of work! If you work full time, your best choice is to choosesomething that matures slowly so upon your return, you will not have any unpleasant surprises.

How to Become a rich farmer on Farmville

-For quick profits the best choice are raspberries which mature in as little as two hours gaining you some good 46 coins. Blueberries may take a little longer, but the wait is surely worth it as they will ultimately make you gain 91 coins. Other good choices are strawberries which mature in four hours allowing you to gain 35 coins.

-Raising farm animals such as chickens, cows and sheep, may be fun, but ultimately, will not make you much rich. However, the advantage is that unlike crops they do not go bad and will not need much care.

-Growing trees as well will not make you rich but they will be there for you without wilting. For instance, growing cherry trees takes two days for a mere gain of 18 coins, apple trees take three days for 28 coins and lime trees take 5 days for 75 coins.

-If you are looking for making some cash, you may visit a neighbor and lend a hand by cleaning up the weeds, raking up leaves or scaring crows away. You gain some extra coins and hands on experience this way.

-Bigger fields of course, will allow you to plant more, therefore will be much more profitable. However, in order to accomplish this you need to have several friends (called neighbors). For instance you need to have at least eight neighbors to expand the farm to a 14x14 lot, or better, 10 neighbors will give you a 16x16 lot. Of course, the more neighbors, the bigger land you may own, therefore the higher the profits.

-Purchasing buildings allows you to get faster to the next level and therefore, progress in the game. However, ultimately, they will just sit there and not bring any profits.

-Another way to gain some coins is by visiting your Facebook homepage and checking if any of your friends have recently won any ribbons. Here you will have the option of getting a bonus from them. The better the ribbon the more coins you will get.

-The best piece of advice is perhaps simply nurturing your crops. Your strawberries, rasberries and blueberries need lots of tender loving care in order to mature and give you the well earned money you ultimately deserve. Setting up a reminder (like using a timer or your computer task reminder) may help you remember when your crops are about to die.

As seen, just as in real life, farming can be a passionate hobby but it requires lots of time and dedication. However, just as the real farming profession, you must use astute strategies in order the gain the most out of your crop.

Sourced via [Helium]



FarmVille Tips by Heiium

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Farmville is a game played on Facebook. Once you get the application, you create a virtual farm. On the virtual farm you can have animals, paths, flowers, trees, houses, and mostly crops.

When you start off it is best to start planting a crop that will harvest in a few hours or just one day. To plant a crop first you must click on the plow button. Then select where you want to plow. Then you must go to the store and select what type of seeds you want to buy. Grapes are a good crop to use, because they can be harvested in four hours.

Add your friends to Farmville as neighbors - this helps your experience level go up. The more experience you have, the more things your avatar is able to do and the more items are available. To make extra money while you wait for your crops to be ready to harvest, you can get a job.

To get a job, go to the market place. Once there, type in the chat box "hire me" and wait until a message pops up asking you to accept the job. Once you accept it, you will be taken to someone's farm to work. There you can either harvest or plow their crops. When you harvest their fields, you make money. When you plow on their fields, you make money and also gain experience.

Once you have some money, go to the store and a buy a few trees. Trees are a good investment to make money because you pay for them only once, but continue to make money every time you harvest them. Then once your crops are ready to harvest on your farm, click the "harvest" button. Then click on the crop that you want to harvest. A menu will pop up for the crop; click on "harvest and store." This way you make more money than just selling the crops.

Once you have a crop in storage go to the market place and choose the option sell crops. Then a page with your stored crops pops up. Choose which one you would like to sell, then go back to your farm by clicking "go home." Now it is time to plant new crops. You should have made enough profit to plant even more crops than last time. Another way to make money is going to your neighbors farms and helping them out. You get paid for watering and raking or by using gloves on these farms. By repeating this process you will become a rich virtual farmer on Farmville using Facebook. Good luck!

Sourced via [Heiium]



How to be a rich farmer on Facebook Farmville

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Another addictive game set out using Adobe Shockwave and Flash is Farmville with their latest installation that allows the player to be caught up in the game that the eventually become an insomniac due to the fact that the crops will die after a certain time should it not be harvested unlike Barn Buddy where one's crops stay there till all of it is lost due to theft by your friends. Becoming a rich farmer is actually easier than one think as the gifting and receiving bonuses adds up to the amount earned or saved up in the game. The definition of a rich farmer is more to one's own interpretation but having lots of friends helps a whole lot more that when you are just a handful of friends as like their successful game Mafia Wars, the more you have, the better it is.

Becoming a rich farmer basically means you got tons of money, and in this case assuming that you have a million coins, not FV Dollars which are earned through deals and such like in Mafia Wars' Godfather Points. And it is actually achievable in less than 30 days. True to many people's belief, Farmville is based on hard work and spending alot of time on the game, making the game developers richer. In the act of planting and harvesting a crop, the calculation on earnings will be Net Profit = Harvest - Cost - 15 coins (for plowing) and multiplied by the maximum amount of crops allowed. We assume that 30% of the crop space is allocated into the Trees and Animal Livestock plus any other stuff that makes your place look neater and nice, thus allowing the current allowable size of 20x20 plots. Technically, even a 20x20, you will waste about half crop square on the sizes due to either a bug or something like that , such that you still have a 20x20 and the animals and trees by the size of it. The full line of sight is needed to harvest or anything to the plantation as you cannot click on the item or plot or animal hidden behind a huge tree.

Like many experts in the Zynga Forums agree that a full day will be 23 hours give and take any human response to that effect as the game play requires some sort of margin of error in harvesting, plowing and seeding even with the machinery available. Such a case that a balance of quick cash crops like Strawberry, Blueberry and Blackberry yields a steady 3 experience and net profit of 10, 26 and 27 coins per harvest respectively for a 4 hour crop. Eventually, we will allow only 3 crops cycles a day and thus yield 30, 78 and 81 coins in a day and that is if someone did not sleep throughout game play. On the other hand, a nice balance of crops in 6, 8,12, 16 and 24 hour timing yields greater returns such as the Aloe Vera (6 hours), Pumpkin and Tomatoes for 8 hours, Rice and Carrots in 12 hours, Coffee for 16 hours and Soy Beans, Peppers (Chillies), Grapes and Sunflowers for a day as I'm just a level 30 right now. Anything over a day will yield 2 experience points for planting, to compensate the loss of experience in comparison to the quick 4 hour crops and Raspberries are harvested in 2 hours bearing no seeding experience points, with just a return of 11 coins per harvest (assuming 23 hours) and a net yield of 22 experience points with 121 coins per day. Compared to Sunflowers, your yield will be 165 coins with only 4 experience points, but lets you take a break.

One must plan what we will be doing after we plant the crops, as if we go shopping for 4 hours and came back late, we will see the raspberries wither and die after the 2 hour timer to harvest is up. The way Zynga programs the time frame to allow players not to plant and forget is about 4-8 hours before it dies, allowing people to get home, and do their stuff and harvest their crops at their home pc and then set a 12 hour crop for harvest the next day at the office.

The act of giving and receiving is a very cool thing to do. If you see your friends getting a bonus or special giveaways, you will get the coins too. By going to the Home Screen in Facebook and clicking More on the Feeds and onto Farmville (or you can book mark or go to this link Farmville Feed Tabs directly if you happen to loose it) , you will see the awards you friends received and you get 500 coins for a blue ribbon, 250 coins for a red ribbon, 125 coins for a while ribbon and 50 for a yellow one. Just right click and open a new tab where it says "collect a bonus from ......" and shut it down after 15 seconds as it will already credit your account. Don't forget to snap those wandering animals such as a chocolate milk bearing Brown Cow, White Cow, Ugly Duckling (looked really ugly and terrifying) and anything that comes up for adoption.

Thus why many experts advise you add as many friends as you can, as much as how many you got on Mafia Wars so you know their feeds and you can feast on their achievements. I personally do agree that in spending some great money into the game like a Log Cabin for 250,000 coins will get me a boost on the experience for it pays off 1 point per 100 coins spent on the market and getting red or blue ribbons gives you coins too. The reality sets in that even on level 30, in order to level up, it takes 6000 experience points compared to 5000 on level 29 and it gets more every time you level up.

Don't forget to harvest your trees and animals even though they won't expire but a return on investment is only between 30-60 days , so expect a gift or two to boost your income. What matters most is having fun. Do look at the other commentaries as different people have different views and the game play differs when you are in the lower levels and harder and more robust when you go to level 20 and up as your options have expanded.



Facebook Farmville - How to be a Rich Farmer

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Facebook Farmville is a popular application with sound effects, farm animals and it allows you to become a virtual farmer. How can you become rich on Facebook Farmville and become the richest farmer among your friends? I have the answers you seek.

Assemble up your Facebook Farmville account by planting strawberries only. Complete this task at least 3 times a day for the first four days. Add more plots of strawberries as you progress the levels and can afford it. Don't purchase anything but the berries to grow.

Plant the entire field with strawberries day after day for as many times as you possibly can on Facebook Farmville. Once you can use your whole plot (12 squares by 12 squares= 144) for berries you are spending 1440 but earning 5040 a pop so your profit is 3,600 (earnings-cost=profit). Deposit the berries like this three times a day for the 4 days and you have $57,600.

Keep progressing upwards in dollars by planting strawberries and you will see the results add up quickly. Expand your farm plot quickly by adding neighbors and getting the experience.

Some may wonder why sow berries only on Facebook Farmville when they are the cheapest to purchase and the lowest in return. Do the math here folks in the time you can plant and harvest artichoke with a sell price of $204 dollars you can plant and harvest 24 berries plants where you will profit $600 bucks. That is for one square. Imagine if you planted all 144 squares with berries.

To place 144 squares of strawberries on Facebook Farmville, you will spend $1,440 and sell for $5,040 dollars with a profit of $3,600 for the four hours it takes to ripen.

If place the Artichoke that will cost you $10,000 and you sell them for $29,376, which looks great, but it takes four days to harvest these. You can replace harvest a field of strawberries 24 times in the period that it takes those artichokes to mature.

Multiple 24 times the profit of 3,600 you get per harvest of strawberries and get 90,000. I would rather do the red-berries because I can triple my money easily.

The artichokes harvest in 4 days while the red-berries ripen in 4 hours in the game Facebook Farmville. Therefore, you can plant the same plot of strawberries 24 times in that 4-day period and profit $636 more with the same plot.

Strawberries ripen and are ready for harvest in 4 hours. Pick them quick or you will lose thousands of cash. Do this right, follow the outline I have laid and you will turn out to be a very rich farmer in no time at all. You will develop into the richest farmer on Facebook Farmville and be the envy of all your friends.



Facebook FarmVille tips and cheats

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A guide to all the tips and tricks to build the best farm in all of FarmVille, the best farm game on Facebook.

The newest, hottest game on Facebook right now is FarmVille, a cross between the super hit YoVille and the upstart Farm Town. If you've played either of these two games you'll immediately recognize many of the features in the game. Still, FarmVille comes with it's own set of clever tricks and funny cheats that you can take advantage of to make the game experience even more fun, get rich, and build the best ranch in the county.

Money do grow on trees!

To get anywhere in FarmVille, you're going to have to get down and dirty, and grow your own crops. Like any good self respecting farmer, you'll be living off the fat of the land in this game, but first, you'll have to get get dressed.

When you start up your new FarmVille account, you'll be asked to pick what gender farmer you want to be, and to pick your hair color and style, and pick from different facial features. For YoVille veterans, this will be very familiar as the character creation has not changed from that game. The only difference is that FarmVille does not let you pick an outfit, it's overalls and plaid shirts for everyone, something the game has borrowed directly from FarmTown.

All the set up done, time has come to get started on your farm work. You start out with a patch of land, and a sorry patch of strawberries that are ripe for harvest. This is your cue to make your first FarmVille dollar, select the harvesting tools from your tools menu in the bottom right corner, and click on your strawberry patch. As you harvest your first batch of produce, you'll get credited your money instantly, no need to go to the market and sell your crops to Farmer Tom. As soon as you've got your first berries sold though, it's time to go to the market anyways and put the money you've made to work.

Time to buy some seeds and get to sowing. As a brand new FarmVille farmer, you also have a few patches of already plowed field, so you're all set to sow your first seeds. Click on the market icon in the menu and you'll get to the list of available seeds. Strawberries might seem tempting, as they are very cheap to purchase and taste excellent with some half and half, before committing to strawberry farming though you should make sure that you can log onto FarmVille again in 4 hours. Strawberries ripens the fastest of any fruit in the game, which can turn out to be a real chore later in the game. For now though, in the initial stages of the game, logging back on in 4 hours might not be to bad, and if you can do it, getting the cash flow going as fast as possible will be a big advantage.

If it's already getting late, or you for some other reason can't log on to FarmVille again in 4 hours, you should pick a different fruit that will take longer to be ripe. The reason is that strawberries are eerily similar to grapes in FarmTown, quick to ripen, and quicker to spoil. If you spend all your cash on strawberries and let them spoil because you waited 6 hours to pick them, you've put yourself in a hole it will be difficult to dig out of. You can always make money harvesting crops for your friends and strangers, but making money of your own ranch is always by far the best. So, make sure the first batch you plant is one you'll also be able to harvest. If the four hours seems like it might be just too quick, pick a vegetable that will take one day to be ready, the best return on your money would be the peas(?), don't pick produce that take longer than 1 day to be ready. While the payoff might seem tempting, you should focus on getting a cash flow going early. FarmVille is more forgiving than previous farming games when it comes to early cash flow, but the key to successful farming will still be to establish a profitable harvest routine as fast as possible.

Awards and levels

FarmVille has included a leveling system where you open up new features for your farmer and farm as you progress through the levels. To level up need to collect experience points, which are handed out for tasks like plowing and harvesting. This is another reason why you should consider the faster growing crops. You leave a lot of experience points on the table if you only plow and harvest your fields every third day. As you start out you will fly through the early levels, and unlock more seeds and animals as well as collect awards for your different achievements. The achievements awards are a particularly welcome addition for new FarmVille farmers, as most of the awards comes with a nice cash bonus. A clever farmer can leverage these cash bonuses to build up a strong cash flow a lot faster than you could on harvesting alone.

There are many achievements in the game, they are typically awarded every time you perform one of the core functions in the game for the first time. Such as plowing a new field, adding a neighbor, visiting another farm etc. To maximize the effect of these early game awards, try to perform as many tasks as possible before you start planting your first crop. Send out gifts, visit all of your neighbors, and try to collect as much money as you can. Doing this before you plant your first batch of crops will allow you to plow more field and sow more crops, and by leaving this step last you will make sure your fields are all planted at the same time, and so they will be ready for harvest at the same time. Try to avoid having to check in on your farm every hour to harvest different parts of your fields. If you use this strategy, be prepared to do a little math, as you need to make sure that you don't spend all your cash on plowing and not have enough to buy seeds. Always decide what seeds you are going to buy before you start plowing, that way you can keep track of how many patches of field you can afford to plow and seed. If you don't like doing math, try working in batches of 10 to make the numbers easier to handle, plow 10 fields for a cost of 200 coins, then sow with the seed you chose, check if you can afford 10 more squares of seeds and plowing, and repeat the process until you're out of coin

Lazy farming

Slaving away for crops can be a chore for many farmers, you have to constantly be aware of the health of your crop, and the financial fallout if you miss harvesting one of your crops and it spoils can be disastrous. For lazy farmers who want a more sedate farming lifestyle, FarmVille offers some additions to the game that make it easier than ever to run a farm without any crops to worry about at all.

FarmTown veterans will recognize the fruit trees and their income potential, trees usually bear fruit in three or four days, and nets a small profit when harvested. The profits are small and the trees expensive, so exclusive fruit farming is a possible, but not very viable options. A new addition to FarmVille changes the picture though, as you now can get profits from your animals. You can collect milk from your cows, eggs from your chickens, etc. The best thing about keeping animals on your farm is that unlike crops, the yield from the animals never goes bad. You can add a cow, and once it has produced enough milk to collect, it will stand around happily waiting until whenever you come around to your farm again. This way, it is possible to create livestock farms where you are not locked into any schedule. A field filled with cows would turn a very healthy profit, will never need reinvestment, will never spoil, and best of all, through the gift system, you can get most of your livestock completely free.A goat is slightly more profitable, but has to be unlocked. One of the best paying animals is the duck, which is available as a gift from the start of the game. It's even possible to combine animals and high yield fruit trees such as avocados to run a farm that makes money and never needs any maintenance outside of actually collecting your money. The highest profit tree is actually the Acai tree which is available leter in the game. Keep in mind thought, that this kind of lazy farming yields a lot less experience points than regular crops farming, and the process of collecting milk from a field full of cows can be daunting, since theres no visual difference between a cow that is ready to be milked and one that is not.

The tricks

One of the best cheats to use on FarmVille is the unlimited gift cheat. If you are interested in running a farm without crops, this cheat will enable you to build up your farm for free. The unlimited gifts cheat works best if you are using Firefox.

To use the cheat, before you have given any gifts, right click on the 'gifts' tab on top of the game and select 'open link in new browser'. This will open the gift giving screen in a new tab in your browser. Repeat this as many times as you'd like. I have tried the cheat with up to 20 different tabs without problems. Once you have all your tabs with the gift giving page open, go back to every single one and select the gift you want to give. Do this for every single tab without confirming the selection. Once you have done this for every single tab, go back again and confirm on each page, selecting who you want to send the gift to. Again, do not confirm the sending of the gift on this page. Do this in every tab again, and when you go back to your first tab, you should be able to confirm the gift and send it from each of your open tabs. This way you can send unlimited gifts to your friends, or if you'd like to receive unlimited gifts, create an alternate gifting account that can send you an abundance of any gift you would like.



How to use Piaip's Restaurant City Hack v1.08

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Here's a guide contributed by our read jeko1469:



Facebook Restaurant City Exterior Layering Solution

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Now this is what my restaurant looks like now..

Restaurant City Exterior Layering Solution

I'm gonna remove all my decorations just for this thread.. Restaurant City Exterior Layering Solution

Here goes..

1. Remove all the decors that will be included in your layering design..

Restaurant City Exterior Layering Solution

(you can leave the windows and doors, as they will always layer at the back anyways, I didn't remove the sign board because it does not need layering in my layout, but if you want to include the signboard for your layering design, consider it as another layering decor and remove it....)

2. Save your Game, and Reload..

Restaurant City Exterior Layering Solution

3. Okay this is important, you have to know the layering group of each of your decors, which ones are at the farthest back, then the ones on top of the previous ones, and it continues like that..

I'll use my restaurant final design to show you the groupings..

a. The decors at the farthest back..

Restaurant City Exterior Layering Solution

(These includes, the flower beds, the trees, hanging flower pot, torches)

b. The decors directly on top of (a)..

Restaurant City Exterior Layering Solution

(These includes the Lamp post, Lion statues, mermaid statues)

c. The decors at the top most layer..

Restaurant City Exterior Layering Solution

(These are the bushes at the front)

(Your design can have as "I don't know how many" layers as you want, but just remember carefully which items are in what layer, you can save an image of what you want your restaurant to look like so that you can use it for reference)

4. Put out the decors at the farthest back, (you can arrange them now or later, i'll arrange them later to show that it's possible)..

Restaurant City Exterior Layering Solution

5. Save your Game, and Reload..

Restaurant City Exterior Layering Solution

(After you reload it should look like the way you left it, If it's not there's obviously something wrong with your game, hehe.. )

6. Now put out the next layer of decors out..

Restaurant City Exterior Layering Solution

7. Save your Game, and Reload..

Restaurant City Exterior Layering Solution

(After you reload the game, you'll immediately notice that ***!! the layering is not right!)

Restaurant City Exterior Layering Solution

(Don't worry, Just follow step 8..)

8. Repeat steps 6-7, for every groups of layering decors that you need to put out..

Step 6
Restaurant City Exterior Layering Solution

Step 7
Restaurant City Exterior Layering Solution

9. Save and Reload you game 1 more time..

Restaurant City Exterior Layering Solution

10. Arrange them to your heart's content..

(This is the final unorganized layout.. Notice that the layering are now all correct.. )

(Always keep track of what layer the items are..)

Restaurant City Exterior Layering Solution(WARNING!!! Please don't bring items back to the inventory!)

(Arrange them now.. Restaurant City Exterior Layering Solution)

Restaurant City Exterior Layering Solution

11. Save your Game, and Reload..

Restaurant City Exterior Layering Solution

12. Now you're happy!! Restaurant City Exterior Layering Solution

Restaurant City Exterior Layering Solution

Source: tinman21



Facebook Restaurant City - List of Ingredients and their Current Demand

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This guide only aims to inform players about ingredients here in Restaurant City.

What are the ingredients in Restaurant City?
So far, there are 59 ingredients available in Restaurant City
and every ingredient is used in at least one dish/drink except for OREGANO.

The integration of a Country Story feature into Restaurant City came with new ingredients:

These are the most commonly used ingredients which gives good trading power:

These are rare and more commonly used ingredients:

These are easy-to-trade-with ingredients:

These ingredients are common among several players:

These ingredients might keep piling up in your inventory:

To sum it up, finishing all 56 dishes and 12 drinks would require 90 Cheese, 90 Sugar, 80 Flour, 80 Milk, 80 Potato, 70 Cream, 70 Egg, 70 Salad, 70 Tomato, 60 Ice Cream, 60 Rice, 50 Beef, 50 Bread, 50 Butter, 50 Chicken, 50 Strawberry, 50 Water, 40 Bayleaf, 40 Chocolate, 40 Garlic, 40 Lemon, 30 Banana, 30 Basil, 30 Chili, 30 Coffee Beans, 30 Ice, 30 Leek, 30 Lime, 30 Onion, 30 Pasta, 30 Peas, 30 Pork, 30 Tea Leaves, 30 Tuna, 20 Apple, 20 Bacon, 20 Beans, 20 Carrot, 20 Ginger, 20 Kiwi, 20 Lamb, 20 Lobster, 20 Mango, 20 Mushroom, 20 Prawn, 20 Pumpkin, 20 Sausage, 20 Tofu, 20 Vanilla, 10 Coriander, 10 Dragon Fruit, 10 Noodles, 10 Peach, 10 Pepperoni, 10 Pomegranate, 10 Saffron, 10 Sweetcorn, and 10 Wasabi. These would total to 2,060 ingredients.



Facebook Restaurant City - Coin Hack September 2009

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Tools you need :
1) Cheat Engine 5.5 or Here
2) Firefox
3) Flash Player 9 and 10

Due to overwhelming response to the request on making "Coin" Hack / Cheat Exclusive, future Restaurant City "Coin" Hack / Cheat Related will be available for download via Ziddu and Megaupload

Get Them Now!

Download: Ziddu | Megaupload



Facebook Restaurant City - How does the garden work?

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On the right hand side of your restaurant (when inside your restaurant), you will see some new gardens. The first one is unlocked at level 16. Once you have a garden unlocked you will be able to grow some of your own ingredients!

To plant a seed, simply click the plot you wish to plant it in. Each seed costs 2000 cash.

Once you have planted your seed, if you hover over it you will see two times shown. The top time is how long until the ground becomes completely dry, you can water your seed to increase this time by clicking the plot where your seed is planted. The highest this timer will go is 9 hours. If your plant becomes completely dry, it will stop growing until you water it again. The lower time is the time remaining (assuming your plant always has enough water) until it is fully grown and ready to harvest, each plant will take 48 hours to grow (if it is kept watered). (Please note: H stands for hours and M stands for minutes.)

When you plant a seed, it will grow randomly into one of some set ingredients, these include:
  • Basil
  • Bayleaf
  • Coffee Beans
  • Coriander
  • Ginger
  • Oregano
  • Saffron
  • Sugar
  • Tea Leaves
  • Vanilla
  • Wasabi

Once your ingredient is ready for harvest, simply click on the fully grown plant, and then confirm that you wish to harvest it.



Restaurant City – Staff Hack

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Tools you need :
1) Cheat Engine 5.5 or Here
2) Firefox
3) Flash Player 9 and 10

Restaurant City – Staff Hack
1) Change your browser to “OFFLINE MODE
2) Hire friends
3) Paste code F18B0000010E8F0F (Flash Player 9) and F18B000001138F0F (Flash Player 10) into the Hex box, set to 8 bytes and check Also scan read-only memory.
4) Disassemble this memory region
5) Change jg to jmp"
6) Change back “ONLINE MODE



Top 10 Most Efficient Layouts in Restaurant City for 8 employees

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Here you will find the optimal amounts of tables & positioning of tables, that will give you the highest gain of money and gourmet points known to players, or shortly, highest APS [Average Plates Served per minute].
This list will include the best layouts for restaurants with 8 employees and 7 employees.

Think your layout is efficient?
Do you want your layout to be up here, in the ranking list? Apply via a reply in this thread. Add a picture of your layout, and any other additional details about it that need to be said [number of arcades/waiting chairs it requires, how close it is to the door..

I will test every layout posted here. If it's one of the 10 most efficient layouts, it will be on this list, for other people to see and use in their restaurants.

Each testing of a layout will be performed once or twice, 30 minutes at a time, starting from 100% employee health. The test will be performed precisely the way your layout looks in the picture you posted, except, it will not have a maze. Mazes slow down your APS.

Here we go:

Layouts ranked places 1-5 for 8 employees

Number 1:
With 17.15 APS, quetel's 20 table layout [4 chef, 4 waiter];

Owner's note: "There is one waiting chair and the door is symmetrically situated between the islands."

Number 2:
With 17.03 APS, littledee's modified Boo2u2 24 table layout [4 chef, 4 waiter];

Number 3:
With 16.9 APS, renamed's 20 table layout [4 chef, 4 waiter];

Number 4:
With 16.76 APS, Boo2u2's modified baconneggs 24 table layout [4 chef, 4 waiter, 4 doors];

Number 5:
With 16.63 APS, happiehappie's 18 table layout [4 chef, 4 waiter];

Number 6:
With 16.61 APS, agriasth's 18 table layout [4 chef, 4 waiter];

Owner's note: "This layout needs to be positioned exactly the way it is in the screenshot. The distance from the door has a major impact on APS."

Number 7:
With 16.54 APS, HikariToYami's 22 table layout [4 chef, 4 waiter];

Number 8:
With 16.5 APS, baconneggs' 24 table layout [4 chef, 4 waiter];

Number 9:
With 16.03 APS, oreoxlune30's 4 island 20 table layout [4 chef, 4 waiter];

Number 10:
With 15.8 APS, Pinkraynedrop's 18 table layout [4 chef, 4 waiter];



Top 10 Most Efficient Layouts in Restaurant City for 7 employees

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Here you will find the optimal amounts of tables & positioning of tables, that will give you the highest gain of money and gourmet points known to players, or shortly, highest APS [Average Plates Served per minute].
This list will include the best layouts for restaurants with 8 employees and 7 employees.

Think your layout is efficient?
Do you want your layout to be up here, in the ranking list? Apply via a reply in this thread. Add a picture of your layout, and any other additional details about it that need to be said [number of arcades/waiting chairs it requires, how close it is to the door..

I will test every layout posted here. If it's one of the 10 most efficient layouts, it will be on this list, for other people to see and use in their restaurants.

Each testing of a layout will be performed once or twice, 30 minutes at a time, starting from 100% employee health. The test will be performed precisely the way your layout looks in the picture you posted, except, it will not have a maze. Mazes slow down your APS.

Here we go:

Layouts ranked places 1-5 for 7 employees

Number 1:
With 14.92 APS, agriasth's 17 table layout [4 chef, 3 waiter];

Number 2:
With 14.9 APS, snli's 18 table layout [4 chef, 3 waiter];

Tip: in order to get your waiters to stand in the right positions, after assigning all 4 chefs and 3 waiters, go into decorate mode and click on the stove that is closest to the door [according to the picture above]. Don't move it, just click and release. Get out of decorate mode and all your waiters should be in the right positions, and they will remain that way until the next time you move any of your stoves.

Number 3:
With 14.86 APS, Boo2u2's modified Ch0pstickS' layout [4 chef, 3 waiter];

Number 4:
With 14.76 APS, Ch0pstickS' 17 table layout [4 chef, 3 waiter], posted by bobocondor;

Tip: Add some waiting chairs and arcades to keep the popularity high.

Number 5:
With 14.66 APS, baconneggs' 16 table layout [4 chef, 3 waiter];

Number 6:
With 14.56 APS, troutinator's 17 table layout [4 chef, 3 waiter];

Number 7:
With 14.26 APS, agriasth's 20 table layout [3 chef, 4 waiter];

Number 8:
With 13.96 APS, agriasth's 24 table layout [3 chef, 4 waiter];

Number 9:
With 13.51 APS, baconneggs' 15 table layout [3 chef, 4 waiter];

Number 10:
With 13.06 APS, little dee's 16 table layout [4 chef, 3 waiter];


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