YoVille FAQs | YoVille Help for Starters
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I cannot connect to the game. I get an error message that says something about a firewall.
YoVille is a live game and requires a direct connection to a server (unlike most web pages). We've worked very hard to try and optimize our connection to support as many people as possible. If you cannot connect it may be a firewall problem.
Here are some instructions for disabling most firewalls
It may also help to install the latest version of flash. You can get it here.
If none of that works, try emailing our support team and provide as much detail about your network, OS, browser and version of flash. We may not have the time to help because we cannot do pc support all day for all our users, but it may help us improve the connectivity in the future. You may also want to try asking one of your computer savvy friends for help.
How do I sell items back to the game?
You can sell items back to the game by clicking on your inventory. It is the button at the bottom of the game that looks like a box of stuff. Click on an item and then click the sell button. Like in real life used stuff is never worth nearly as much as new stuff, but at least you get some coins back.
I want to make more money, why don't you increase my salary?
You can hire friends into your crew into your crew to increase your salary at the factory. We work really hard to make sure they game economy is balanced and giving away more money would make it so over the long-term the game wasn't any fun.
How do I get VIP?
Currently the is no way to be VIP in the game (don't fall for scams). We are working on this feature, and trying to make sure it's super-cool before we release it. It should be done soon. A couple of VIP items (robes) accidentally got released into the game. We didn't think it was fair to remove them, so a very small number of people have a really cool robe.
How do I find my real friends? We agreed to meet in the Coffee Shop and I don't see them.
YoVille has multiple servers to handle all the users online at any time, so they are probably on a different server. Go to your buddy list (button with two people at the bottom of the game) and click on the Import Friends button. This will import your real friends into your buddy list. If they are online (green or yellow), you can then use your buddy list to teleport to wherever your friend is (click on circle-arrow).
I want to change my gender.
There is no easy way to do this currently. Please email support@yoville.com and make sure to include a link to your facebook profile (or just the number at the end of the link), and we will change your gender. This will completely reset your account and you will lose all your coins, apartment and furniture
Why can't I trade with my roommate (wife, mom, son, etc.)? It says the trade was not allowed because we have the same IP.
There may be some legitimate trading within the same IP (users on the same network), but the vast majority we saw was cheating from people creating multiple accounts. This was really the only option to prevent the cheating, and we're sorry for the people that this legitimately affected negatively.I traded with somebody and didn't get what I expected. (e.g. they said it was VIP pass but it was really a towel)
Some YoVillians come up with the darndest things. When trading you can mouse over any item and see the actual name. Also you should probably check the price of an item in the stores before trading with somebody. Teleport doors come in pairs. Make sure you get two (unless of course you want a decorative door that goes nowhere).
I got scammed.
We ban and deactivate tons of scammers based on reports every day. The only way to stop the scammers is for you all to stop falling for scams. You should treat your coins like real money. If somebody walked up to you on the street and told you they would double your money if you gave them $5, you wouldn't trust them and would just walk away. Do the same in YoVille.
I was banned unfairly. People reported me and I wasn't doing anything.
The auto-ban that you get when many people report you in a short period only lasts 5 minutes. You'll be right back in, just wait a couple minutes. If our support team banned you, then we know that you've been breaking the rules of the game and that's why you've been banned.
I was banned from creating events for some an event name that was not inappropriate. You should tell us what text is not allowed
The goal of the filter is to prevent people from hosting inappropriate events that break our rules and make YoVille a less fun place for everybody. We are very sorry for the people that get wrongly caught by the filter. Unfortunately, this is the price of keeping the site fun and clean. We are in the process of hiring a 24x7 moderation team that will review all events and this will allow us to dial down the sensitivity on the automatic filter. We do not publish details on the filter, because the trolls would then know how to get around them.
Hey! This faq didn't answer my question. What do I do now?
You can either post to our forums where many kindly users are likely to answer your question or you can email support@yoville.com. We try and answer as many questions as possible. If your question is answered by this faq, we most likely will not have the time to respond.